Local Hiker To Complete 100th Boo Hoff Trail Hike
Mark Johnson, hike coordinator for the La Quinta-based power hiking group called the Koko-Nuts, will complete his 100th Boo Hoff Trail Hike on Wednesday morning December 30. The Koko-Nuts are avid power hikers. The group consists primarily of current and retired Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) employees. They have completed...
Three to Read
Hand-picked suggestions for people in a hurry. Want to read more books but don’t have time to search the Library? Let us help! Fill out our short form letting us know what types of books you enjoy and we’ll select three books and have them ready for you in three...
Welcome Back: Experience A Desert Getaway
We all deserve a getaway during times like these. Only a few hours from Los Angeles and San Diego, lies the true gem of the desert, the City of La Quinta. Enjoy your ‘new normal’ by experiencing La Quinta’s finest amenities, wide open spaces and abundance of sunshine. With hotels,...